Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit, Bronx New York

Holy Week of 2024

It is a Time of reflection and prayer ,is also a time of repentance from our wrongs,As the most important Christian celebration is right around the corner, we have created the Easter Holy Week timeline, based on the biblical accounts of Mark, Matthew, Luke and John. In addition, the blog post tries to provide answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the holiday, its historical origins and significance.

Easter is also known as Latin and Greek Pascha, and it’s the most important religious holiday in Christianity. It commemorates the crucifixion and death of Jesus, followed by his resurrection from the dead, which the New Testament describes as having occurred three days after his burial. Christians see the willing oblation of Jesus as the ultimate sacrifice and a lesson in selflessness.

However, there is another key point here: Jesus’ story culminates with his triumph over death. Christians everywhere view the miraculous revival as proof that eternal life is granted to all true believers. Without it, there would be no Christian faith, and even the gospels (John 20:19, Corinthians 15:14 and Luke 24:39) report how the apostles grew disheartened following the events on Golgotha (Roman Calvary).

Holy Week includes both the Church’s most solemn observances and joyous feasts. Unique, beautiful liturgies fill the period of time that begins on Palm Sunday and culminates with Easter Sunday.

Holy Week 2024 is a great time to recommit to prayer and draw close to God.



We invite you to our palm Sunday service this Sunday come worship with us the the our will be the  celebrant and preacher Rector, Ven. David C Nwanekpe. 0n Sunday the 24/March/2024.

Anglicans, Catholics ,Protestant, and Orthodox Christian churches all celebrate Palm Sunday, which is the beginning of Holy Week, the most hallowed time of year for Christians. (The Orthodox Christian Church follows the Julian calendar and typically celebrates later than Anglican and Protestants )

Palm Sunday commemorates when Jesus entered Jerusalem and was greeted by people waving palm branches. This event serves as a reminder for Christians to welcome Jesus into their hearts and be ready to follow Him. The Palm Sunday service also includes a reading of the Passion, which narrates the story of Jesus’ suffering and crucifixion.

Leadership Retreat 2024


You are invited to attend our leadership conference/Retreat on Saturday the 16 of March 2024 To be handled by the Rt Rev Chijioke Oti PhD., Rt Rev Steven Akobe . and Ven Dr Yemi, it will start by 1 PM EST

Embrace the spirit of gratitude at our Annual Harvest Thanksgiving on September 1, 2024. This joyous occasion marks a time to express thanks for the bountiful blessings received throughout the year. Join us in a special service filled with heartfelt prayers, festive hymns, and a shared sense of appreciation. Bring offerings symbolizing the harvest, fostering a communal celebration of abundance and unity. As we gather, let the essence of thanksgiving permeate our hearts, strengthening the bonds within the Anglican Church of the Holy Spirit, Bronx. Together, let's cultivate a spirit of thankfulness that extends beyond the day, shaping our collective journey ahead.